The Safety of Christ

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe” Proverbs 18:10


I wrote this brief note in a weekly email to the church upon hearing of a prior school shooting. Unfortunately, another school shooting happened just days ago. I hope these timeless words of truth encourage you.


In light of yet another school shooting, and while details are still forthcoming, and as we pray for the victims and their families, I want to point you to 3 glorious truths that sustains and enables followers of Jesus Christ to stand where others fall.

When danger is near, everyone seeks refuge. As Christians, we serve a mighty God who is a strong tower. He is our safety—our sanctuary. Nothing of this world can measure up to him and overtake him. This news of another shooting is the latest evidence that this world is in turmoil. It is failing and is sinking into misery and despair at an alarming rate. Everyone is vulnerable in this world. Yet for the Christian, we know that this world does not have a hold on us. It cannot and will not drag us into the pit. The LORD is our protection. This world does not harm our security in Christ Jesus. The name of Jesus is the name of the One who overcame the penalty for sin of his people, defeats death and its sting, and has complete victory in this life. He is the one we cling to in moments like these. Turn to him and know your life is safe in his hands.

Next, as we grieve for the victims and their families, pray for God’s sovereign grace to minister through brothers and sisters who are with the victims. God is not surprised by any event. He is intimately working through every crisis. His love overcomes circumstances as volatile as this one, and every tragedy that seems hopeless. His grace is sufficient. Your prayers are needed to help strengthen and encourage brothers and sisters who have the daunting task of ministering during this time. I know they covet your prayers. It is a tool God has given you to use. Pray for them and the victims.

Lastly, at this moment no fatalities have been reported. And I hope any injuries are non-life threatening. But the urgency is real. [Sadly, some died in this latest tragedy.] No one is guaranteed tomorrow. The call to minister and share the good news of Jesus Christ is a real and immediate command. The stakes are high. The people God has sovereignly put in your life have days that are numbered. Your life is numbered. Prioritize your time so that those in your care and others in your life know from you that Jesus is the only hope of salvation and is the only refuge from this precarious world.