Serve the Lord

“Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” Romans 12:11

How do you serve someone who does not need your help? Let’s face it, God does not need us for anything (Acts 17:25). Nor is he served by us serving him (Mark 10:45). He is not looking for partners. He is not helped by people who put their all into it. We do not add to what he does. Yet we are all called to serve Christ (Rom. 12:11). Everyone. Not just pastors and church leaders. Every follower of Jesus. From cover to cover the Bible emphasizes that God’s people are to serve him. Why is this?

We serve Christ to show that he is worthy of our devotion and seen as glorious to others. Our service is about him! We are not responsible for results, and success is not determined by our efforts. We are simply called to faithfulness to Christ. We are to be a servant who is zealous for the master. This is encouraging. Especially in hard times when results seem to be lacking. Even in what seems like long seasons of drought and fruitlessness. God is the One who makes things grow (1 Cor. 3:7). We are to serve and patiently trust that God is working all things for his glory, and he will accomplish all that he plans to do. Our service to Christ is to be with a heart that commits to him regardless of what the day seems like, or what may come, knowing that the end will be full of God’s glory.

This is what drives every saint—to live and serve with such passion and relentless pursuit that Jesus Christ is known and adored. Thankfully, we don’t serve him on our own. God has put us together with brothers and sisters who fervently serve him as well. Let’s live for Christ with all our might and serve him gladly together. It is the highest privilege we can possibly have.