Our Steady God

The Lord is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness, 6 and he will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure.  Isaiah 33:5-6


In the midst of our days, when we are overwhelmed with responsibilities, pressured to accomplish great agendas, tempted to give in to our flesh and ride the easy track, and hear news of a chaotic world, there is God who stands above it all.  He is unphased and zealously committed to bringing virtuous order to everything.  He is unmovable and gives his people endurance with endless supply of grace and glory.

Everything the world strives for is counter to God’s purpose of filling his people with eternal blessing. When weariness grows the world says just take a holiday, disconnect from it all and regain your footing—yet another one is always needed.  The world says amass worldly goods and your worth will skyrocket—it has a twisted fascination with decaying things.  The world urges justice as it piles up egocentric crusades.  The world boasts that spiritual matters are an add-on to a happy life—while seeking truth and peace and never finding them.  In reality sinking into these earthly aspirations puts an unbreakable wall between desires and fulfillment. The world works hard but achieves nothing.

Even if a person attains some of it, the need for salvation remains.  John Calvin writes, “All the benefits that we desire or imagine, even if we actually obtained them, would be of no avail for our salvation if they were not seasoned with faith and knowledge.”  Christians have healthy lives because everything they are and what they do, in the church and in personal life, is preceded by the light of the knowledge that God is the author of life and the giver of all good gifts.  He defines the “good life” and he alone provides it.

God is the stability that every person searches for.  He takes a tumultuous life and removes the craziness by reminding us that he matters more than a speck of time.  He gives satisfaction by filling our hearts with his love and pushes out the crumbs of vain affections.  He protects the soul of his people and purifies their desires.  Life begins with him and flourishes in him.  This is why he is highly exalted, lifted high above anything else that has some kind of supposed value.

And how do we know this?  Because he says so in his written Word, and made it happen through the Living Word. Jesus Christ fulfills everything that God says about himself and this world.  The death of Christ upholds God’s justice and righteousness while providing abundant salvation and peace and endless satisfaction for his people.  He is our true treasure that never tarnishes or fades.  He is the link between our deep desires and lasting fulfillment.  He remains constant in love and unceasing in providing haven.  This is why Jesus is the focus, the admiration, and joy of life.