Knowing About God or Knowing God?

Many people in the Bible Belt, the area in which Redeemer Church lives and ministers, claim to know God yet they value and admire other things.  It’s true there are atheists, and it seems more and more people are claiming that spiritual matters are unimportant and unnecessary.  But most in our area when asked about knowing God will respond with ‘yes,’ and at the same time deny him by their greater love for something else.  They may go to church most weeks, but they want the most out of this life and hardly think of being with him.  They know about God, but they do not know him.

You, me, and every other person, know God is real because God has made it obvious that he exists (Romans 1:18).  He has shown himself clearly to all through his creation.  Everything that is made has his fingerprints on it.  All that is, is because of him.  Man cannot recreate the natural beauty of a landscape.  Man will never match the power of planetary rotation.  Man will never maintain life independent of the earth’s resources.  Man is part of a world that is divinely sourced and sovereignly sustained.  The sun and stars and snow-capped mountains and wind gusts show the magnificence of God. It is plain that “The heavens declare the glory of God” (Ps. 19:1).

Yet, Paul says in Romans 1:18, all people have suppressed this truth.  We all naturally live as if God doesn’t exist.  And Paul informs us that this is ungodly and unrighteous, and God’s wrath is against all of us.

Verse 21 says, “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him.” Even though we all know that God exists, we do not honor him or thank him.  We know God but don’t esteem him or give him reverence that is equal to his worth.

So why does Paul then claim in 1 Corinthians 15:34 that “Some have no knowledge of God”?  How can a person, even in church, have plain knowledge of God and not know him?

It’s the difference between knowing about God and truly knowing God.  Knowing about God is not the same as knowing him.  When you truly know him, you will honor and thank him.  Knowing God is loving God.  It’s the difference between seeing China’s rainbow mountains in a picture and standing in the midst of them.  There is no comparison.  You can see the mountains in a photo without experiencing the majesty or admiring the vibrant depth.  And the rainbow mountains were formed by the finger of God!  They are a palette that point to who he is.

Truly knowing God is like finding a treasure in a field, recognizing its immense value, and selling everything you have just so you can have that treasure (Matthew 13:44).  Everything else simply does not compare with the treasure’s worth.

God’s greatness and excellency is unmatched.  He is glorious!  And he created you to see his glory and to personally experience him in it.  This is what makes the gospel so incredible. Without the power of the gospel, you cannot truly know God.  You may know things about him but miss the inner essence of his fellowship.  You may be able to answer all the questions in a Sunday School class, but won’t have a heart-valuing, hope-filled relationship with him.

Without his gospel full of grace you are left in your fallen sinfulness and as Paul describes it, what you weigh as important is meaningless and your heart is darkened with foolish cravings for worthless things (Romans 1:21-23).

Through the power of the gospel, God opens your eyes to his immense beauty and awesome glory, seen in Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:9-11).  Your heart yearns for Jesus (Philippians 1:23).  Everything you learn about God draws you closer to him (Psalm 42:2; 62:1), and you begin to treasure his supreme worth more than anything imaginable (Psalm 73:25).  You rather commune with him than accept an offer for anything else.

So, do you really know God or do you only know about him?  Does he seem like a distant relative or is he your heart’s burning desire?  God has given us a window through his Word to get to know him, but his Spirit must reveal to you who he is.  When he does you will not need my pitiful effort to show you.  He will give you himself and that will be far better.  You will love him and be in complete contentment. I pray that you truly know him this way.