[Christ] we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
Colossians 1:28
Redeemer Church seeks to be a faithful, God-centered, Christ-exalting, and Bible-saturated church with ministries that treasure Jesus Christ as the focus and admiration and joy of life. We are beginning the initial steps to establish ministries that will glorify Christ, build up and strengthen the church, and reach the lost with the Gospel. Below are further explanations of what we are currently focusing on:

Corporate Worship
We seek to establish a corporate worship where affections for Christ are characterized by depth and simplicity, engaging the head and heart, and so inspire both an awe and intimacy with our Savior. The order of worship will be arranged to enable the church to engage in worship through reading the Bible, preaching the Bible, singing hymns and Scripture-based contemporary music, prayer, and the two ordinances—baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Adult Discipleship
We seek to establish Christ-exalting learning that fuels affections for Christ-honoring living. We want to help equip men and women to treasure Christ above all things, to grow in wisdom and knowledge over a lifetime, and to glorify God in every sphere of life [The ultimate goal of all that God does in history is to display his glory for the eternal enjoyment of his people. Both creation (Isaiah 43:7) and redemption (Ephesians 1:6, 12, 14) have this ultimate aim in view. Our enjoyment of him above all that he has made is essential to glorifying him for all that he is. We are called to join God in gladly glorifying God in all we do (1 Corinthians 10:31)]. Therefore, we have discipleship studies for Sunday School and men’s and women’s studies that are radically God-centered, Christ-exalting, and Bible-saturated.

Children's Discipleship
Sunday morning classes for children are the church’s primary vehicle for biblical teaching. We are working to provide positive learning and ministry experiences which will complement the Sunday morning experience and the teaching received at home. Our approach to Children’s Discipleship is modeled after Bethlehem Baptist Church, A Vision for Child & Youth Discipleship. It says in part: Since it is primarily the parents’ responsibility to teach their children the ways of God, we seek to develop ministries to children and youth to assist parents in that role, not to take it from them. As the extended family of Jesus, we endeavor to support, encourage, teach, and train as a regular part of life.

Pastoral Care
Life can be confusing, painful, and difficult. There are meaningful and restorative ways to help in times of concern and trial. We offer:
- Pastoral Counseling
- Hospital Visitation
- Marriage Ministry
- Grief Support
- Prayer Ministry
- Various Needs

Bible Training
The Bible is a gift from God telling us about himself. In it God gives us everything we need to know about him, our faith in him, and life’s purpose. Individual study is important because it tells us what is important to God and through it God changes our hearts to transform how we feel about him and his will. We come to see ourselves as we really are and our need of Jesus Christ. This makes proper interpretation crucial and understanding context key. Redeemer offers training to help in understanding the Bible and its great importance.

Deliberate Hospitality
We strive to weave Gospel-centered relationships throughout all aspects of Redeemer Church so that the church will guard the reputation of Christ. We cultivate relationships where informal correction is invited and received—as an act of love. We want to illustrate and nurture the skill of how to privately and tenderly confront sin, as we to aim to be winsome, encouraging, and evangelistic—both in church gatherings and inviting non-Christians into our homes and to group activities, to strengthen faith and joy in Christ, and share genuine love through Gospel-centered relationships.

Throughout all aspects of Redeemer Church, we are emphasizing that evangelism, outreach, and compassion are the church’s watershed ministries for practical representation of the Gospel of Christ in our community and neighborhoods. We are developing neighborhood strategies for Gospel Priority Areas, evangelism training for the church, and ways to aim at the heart. We want to help to weave our joy in Christ to overflow into a love for our neighbors through acts of service that lead to gospel conversations and soul transformations.