Helping a Struggling Friend, Part 3: Reigniting Joy

This is the third part in a short series designed to equip you to help a friend who may be struggling.  It may not apply to you today, but it may soon, and your friend needs you to give them God’s truth. 


We’ve all been there. Life has its way of dragging us down, of distracting us, of pulling us in directions we don’t expect.  We’ve all found ourselves in situations and periods of life where it seems hard and our joy diminishes.

Everybody wants joy, especially those who face difficult circumstances in life.  Unfortunately, most looks for it in every place except where lasting joy is found.  Even brothers and sisters in the faith need reminding of the joy of our salvation. Only in Christ is lasting joy found. Only Christians have joy that everyone seeks.

Psalm 16:11, says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Joy in the Christian life is essential.  It a fundamental piece of our faith.  It is God’s way of giving us complete satisfaction and happiness that we crave. The critical point to understand is that by God’s design the fullness of joy is only found in Christ.

Helping a friend see this, embrace it, and pursue it is incredibly loving and provides them the best help you can possibly give, because it impacts eternity.

When a friend is discouraged, or seems to have lost their joy, don’t give them fleeting words or point them to lesser joys that go away.  Give them the true delight of their soul.  Help them to pursue joy in Christ.

Remind your friend, over and over again if need be, that Jesus:

  • Gives his joy to believers so their joy will be made full (John 15:11).
  • Speaks to his people through His Word so they will be full of his eternal joy (John 17:13).
  • Is our joy (Psalm 43:3).
  • Is the joy of our salvation (Psalm 51:12).
  • Tells us that his joy is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
  • Fills us with all joy and peace through our trusting him (Romans 15:13).
  • Promised the Holy Spirit to guide us and produce joy in us as a fruit of our faith (Galatians 5:22).
  • Enables his people to forsake everything else, even comfort and ease because of his treasure of joy (Matthew 13:44).
  • Rejoices the heart through the continual reading and digesting of His Word (Psalm 19:8).
  • Promises that difficulties do not last, and joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).
  • Promises that his joy will last forever, and those with him will have it also (Matthew 25:33).

Our joy in Christ is not based on children who obey, the ease of the day, an intimate marriage, a promotion at work, having plenty of money, fulfilling an agenda, accomplishing a goal, or being well liked.  Our joy is found in him alone—stripped of all that is temporary and eternally useless.

Help your friend to look above circumstances, beyond discomfort, away from gifts, around other distractions, and find true, everlasting joy in Jesus Christ.  What a true friend you will be!